Saturday, August 27, 2005
Okay. I'm changing my blog's name to "Karaoke Supernova." And, in a week (or so) I'm moving it to a different url, but I'm giving people a little time to update bookmarks or links in between then. Anyway, unless I say otherwise, the new url is going to be Can you believe someone already has And of course, it's one of those blogs where whoever it is posted for a week and never did again, wasting a perfectly good subdomain name.
So anyway, yeah, karaokenova at blogspot unless someone gacks the url in the intervening week.
Anyway, I did the predictable thing (for me) and took a quote from a Ben Folds song, "Hiro's Song."
The song is not really about music, it's a humorous story about this guy who leaves his family for a secretary half his age, but I figured "Karaoke Supernova" is a music-y title for a blog? Right? Am I right?
ANYTHING'S better than "Alternatune."
Anyway, to amuse yourself, here are the lyrics to "Hiro's Song."
my name is Hiro I am 51
since 1980 life has been no fun
and I don't want to die
(I left my family for my secretary)
her name is Yuko she is 22
she and my daughter were best friends in high school
they say I'm crazy and it's temporary
but I refuse to rot like my contemporaries
I wanna explode
(in a karaoke supernova)
I don't wanna grow old
won't you let me, won't you let me explode
I don't wanna grow old
won't you let me, won't you let me explode
in a karaoke supernova, yeah
last night she dressed me up in hip hop pants
the phat g-stylin rides below your ass crack
she wants to show me to her mom and her dad
I told her "Yuko, I'm not down with that"
cause lately I can feel the years between us
and hope to God my friends at work don't see us
tonight she asked me if I've ever seen Jesus
cause she had backstage passes for three of us
so now she's gone and broke my heart goddamn her
turns out she's been fucking this drum programmer
she likes his style, she likes his rock star glamor
well she's an infant! he can damn well have her!
Good times.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Hmm, interesting. I was farting around and they have this new (to me) thing where they have musicians list out their favorite albums. Of course, they don't have everyone on there, I'm sure Bono has better things to do than to fill out an Amazon "So you'd like to..." guide. But apparently the guy I can't babble enough about on here, Ben Folds, has one.
I actually found it rather disapointing. He doesn't really go into any detail on why someone should listen to each particular album. And I'm too lazy to look up song clips. Though, when I think about it, it probably makes me more healthy and less Ben-Folds-Stalkeresque that I can't be bothered, so perhaps it is "all good," as the kids nowadays say.
I ALWAYS find that type of thing disappointing though. A ton of magazine articles have what a certain band is listening to and their list is invariably full of bands I've NEVER heard of or well-known classic albums that I seem to be the only one on earth to not think much of.
I mean, Pet Sounds? Everyone is always all about the Beach Boys album Pet Sounds. But the Beach Boys suck so much as far as I'm concerned. I don't mind if people like Beach Boys, but the fact that an album of theirs is so highly regarded really surprises me. They probably have hidden depths or whatever instrumentally, but a retarded monkey could write their lyrics.
Bob Dylan is another favorite. And I can kind of see why. But it doesn't mean I like him.
And what is up with all the famous people who love Prince? Fah! I spit in Prince's general direction.
Anyways.... here is the index of bands that Amazon has listed with suggestions. I found it mildly interesting to browse The Presidents of the United States of America, The Killers, Keane, and various others.
Donnie Osmond, for some reason, gets two pages. True story.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
I'm really, really, tired of the name Alternatune for this blog. It's just so... not at all what I am. I guess I listen to some alternative-y stuff, but I listen to mainstream stuff too. And I complain about an even wider variety of music!
The only thing is, I can't think of a good name. Because I decided it'd be really cool if the title could be 1) a lyric from a song and 2) about music. But how many non-lame songs are about music? I mean, all I can really think of off the top of my head that would fulfill those requirements is a Barry Manilow song. And not one "so lame it's funny." One that's just.... lame.
So anyway, I wondered if anyone had any ideas?
So far all I have is one idea that was really hilarious to me when I thought of it, but I know in about a week I'd be tired of (I thought of it while listening to Semi-Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind):
Do-Do-Do Do-Da-Do-Do-Do
So... um... I really need people's help with ideas if only to save Alternatune from becoming Do-Do-Do Do-Da-Do-Do-Do.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Damn you, Ben Folds!
For me, Ben Folds' music is like crack. I gotta have it! But he has a habit of releasing a few new songs with a collection of old ones, and I have to debate whether my fix is worth re-buying stuff I already have. Now, though, he's doing me wrong again: he apparently is releasing some songs exclusively to Itunes.
Damn you Itunes!
I suppose, in a way, it's better than re-releasing old songs and making it a package deal. You only have to buy the new ones off Itunes. BUT, I don't have Itunes. And I did try to d/l it once to get some free songs they were offering. But my pain-in-the-ass OS is ME, which Itunes, in their infinite SUCKINESS apparently doesn't work on.
Damn you, Windows ME!
So anyway, I find myself thwarted and irritable.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
I'm kind of thinking of buying this album, Illinois.
It's by this folk rock indie guy named Surfjan Stevens, and I've read about it/him from time to time in spin and rolling stone. Apparently he wants to write an album for each state. His first was his home state, Michigan, and Illinois is his second one which recently came out. Two songs from the album, "Casimir Pulaski Day," and "The Man of Metropolis Steals Our Hearts*," are actually free on right now, and I've listened to them (I've even mentioned the Pulaski day one on here before).
I'm actually surprised Illinois was his second choice, though maybe he's going for the midwest first off? Illinois is neglected whenever anyone's doing anything involving states. Chicago's the third largest city in America, and yet it doesn't have a Real World yet!
Okay, actually I have no idea why that matters, I've never watched it. I had a friend complaining about that once. But it really does seem that Chicago's not as popular as some big cities. New York is sophisticated, L.A. has all the movie stars... but Chicago is known for what? Oprah? Lame. Jerry Springer? I'm personally ashamed that that comes from my state.
But at least Chicago gets some press! When's the last time you've heard of any other Illinois town? St. Louis, maybe. Except that half of it is in Missouri! We only get the crappy ghetto-y bit. So anyway... I just feel sad sometimes that no books I read** or music I listen to or movies I watch*** ever mention anything about anything I see around me or know. And since I'm such a musicy person, the music part especially hurts. Where's my Penny Lane?
So I thought maybe the album would be cool on purely that level. Except... I looked up the names of the tracks and a lot of them don't mean anything to me. And might not even be what they say they're about... Casimir Pulaski day isn't really about Casimir Pulaski day, it's about some woman happening to die of cancer on the state holiday in question. That seems kind of like a shortcut to me. And the one entitled with the name of Illinois serial killer John Wayne Gacy seems like something better left unlistened to.
Buuuut.... the songs I've listened to so far ARE half decent. Maybe I could enjoy the album on that level?
I guess I'll have to debate it some more.
* I would wager that this song is based on the fact that Illinois really DOES have a town named Metropolis with a statue of Superman in the town square.
** Okay: I know of ONE book in all that I've read where my town is mentioned in a single sentence. And, the book does explore our area, kind of. And it was good otherwise, too. American Gods is the title, if anyone's interested.
*** I think maybe the Fugitive is set somewhere in Illinois. I think I remember them mentioning Metropolis at one point, the town I mentioned earlier in this excessive collection of footnotes. But really, it could be set in just about any state above the mason-dixon line in winter. But that's the only exception on the movie front I can think of. Where's my Garden State?
Friday, August 12, 2005
Mix Tape OCD Redux! I don't even know what redux means, exactly, but I'm going with it!
ANYHOOS, this is one by request! Yes, request! A certain Phoe from Elsewhere said I should make one of sexy, girly, emo guys. Well it's your lucky day, P to the E! I got sexy girly emo guys up the wazoo!
Err... that sounds wrong. But here goes: because I'm lazy and even though I have a ton of CD's I don't have every CD ever, I decided that while having the qualities of sexiness, girliness, and emoness all in one package would be ideal, the bands should be able to qualify with only 2 aspects. So girly and emo, sexy and emo, or girly and sexy could all be valid combos.
And oh yeah: I got pictures!
OK GO -- Get Over It
Girly & Sexy: Yes. The lead singer has both in generous quantities.
Why this particular song: It's the only one I have by them. Also, Phoe from Elsewhere listed this song and band in particular, and who am I to disapoint?
Behold the girly hottness.
Ben Folds -- In Between Days
Girliness: Ben can hit some pret-ty high notes, there. And he's a sensitive singer/songwriter! Who plays the piano.
Sexiness: I dunno if everyone would find him sexy, but I do, and I'm the one making this, right? P to the E said I could put him on, really!
Why this song: It's a cover of a cure song, and I think a lot of people think of the cure as kind of an ancestor on the emo family tree. I think Ben does it much cheerier than the Cure probably did, though. I've actually never heard the orig.
He IS sexy, dammit!
Jimmy Eat World -- Your New Aesthetic
Sexy: Jim Adkins IS sexy in looks and voice. I used to have quite a crush on him. I remember filling out one of those goofy "let's hear more about you" blog/e-mail surveys and it having a ton of questions about my boyfriend so, like the stalker I am, I wrote down that he was my boyfriend and answered the questions according to what I thought our relationship would be like. I guess girly is possible too, he is kind of a pretty boy.
Emo: Yes. I think they're one of the most well known emo bands out there.
Why this song: I thought it kind of had street cred. Because it's all, "yo, the radio's whack, yo!" Only... um... a lot more eloquently than I just did.
I am not really a stalker
Weezer -- Say it Ain't So
Sexy: eh. I think Rivers could be kind of cute with the emo glasses and everything, but he's so friggin' neurotic I don't think I could handle him. But Brian Bell (second human from the left in the picture) is really cute and seems more low-maintenance, so I'll allow it.
Girly: Please. Even I could beat up Rivers Cuomo.
Emo: they are pretty well established as emo
Why: Really, the Sweater Song would be more apropos, as I'm trying to be as emo and girly as possible. Or even Buddy Holly, as a tribute to the emo glasses. But Say it Ain't So is my favorite, so that's that. (if you can't tell, the first album is all I have)
You gotta love the muppets
Coheed & Cambria -- A Favor House Atlantic
Girly: the guy's voice is really high. And I don't mean "occaisonal falsetto" high, like with Ben Folds. I mean "A Very Chipmunk Christmas" high. It works, though.
Emo: Yep.
Why: This is the poppiest, most accessible song on here, not to mention the shortest (some of them are 8 minutes long--but it's worth it!) Also, it especially illustrates what I was talking about with his chipmunk voice. By the way: it is useless to try and understand any of CoCam's lyrics. Apparently the band's trying to make this epic story that runs through several albums, only it makes absolutely no sense and the band has never really clarified it for anyone. Good times.
Alvin Alvin? ALVIN!!
Foo Fighters -- Everlong
Sexy: Dave Grohl is a sexy beast. There's just no question.
Girly: Well, for the photo I wanted to find a picture of him in pigtails from the learn to fly video, but I couldn't, nor could I find a picture of him from back when he had long hair and would actually braid it into pigtails for some unfathomable reason. Nor could I find a picture of him as a gay flight attendant from the video I mentioned, or a morbidly obese woman from the video, or the gay pilot from the video. So I actually went to the trouble of making a screencap of it (I have the video from the cd the song's on) just so you could see him in drag. Anyway, I think all of the opportunities for gay pictures there are of him out there, despite my not finding them, point to him being girly. Don't fear, though, I put a second screencap up under it so you could see him in all his sexiness too.
This song: It's my favorite foos song. Also, it's kiiiind of emo. I think if you were drunk and it was dark it could convince you it was emo if it wanted to.
Dave Grohl is a very ugly girl
Something Corporate -- I Kissed a Drunk Girl
Sexy: They seem moderately attractive. Props to emo glasses!
Girly: This SONG is girly. The guy is (albeit humorously) complaining about how he and a drunk girl kissed, and she was just USING him. Also, from this particular photo, I'd say that emo glasses guy spends quite some time artfully disheveling his hair.
Why this song: Songs about uncaring girls are what emo is all about!
Emo: Yep.
I could've been anybody else
Brand New -- Sic Transit Gloria Glory Fades
Sexy: Again, they seem attractive enough. I actually hadn't seen a picture until I went looking for this tape.
Girly: Again, this SONG is so girly. This one (more seriously) is complaining about a woman using a guy for sex.
Emo: Yep. Again, what's more important to emo than bitter recollections of heartless women that did ya wrong?
this song: I figured it continued the theme from the Something Corporate song.
Die young and save yourself!
Saves The Day -- Rocks Tonic Juice Magic
Girly: I say this with the utmost love and respect, but I really don't think Chris Conley ever hit puberty. For the longest time the only picture I had of them was the cover of an old album, and he looked 12 years old on that, and when I went looking for pictures now I was like, "I bet he looks grown up now." But he doesn't.
Emo: eXtreme emo. It mentions the woman who did him wrong and the horrible violent things he would do to her if she were there. Including digging out her eyes and eating them. Mmmm!
Why this song: Again, I had to continue the misogynistic breakup theme from the last two songs.
waiting for puberty
Dashboard Confessional -- Hands Down
Girly/Sexy: Dash is SUCH the pretty boy. And he's SO sensitive!
Emo: I am really not a fan of Dash, but you can't not have him on a self-respecting emo compilation.
Why this song: it's the only one of his I have, it's from.... an emo compilation.
join my cult of devoted followers!
AFI -- Girl's Not Grey
Girly: Dude, that guy's wearing more eyeliner than I even OWN. And again, I can really tell he worked hard on the hair, such as it is.
Emo: yep
This song because: Eh. A whim.
you lust after my hair
Motion City Soundtrack -- My Favorite Accident
Sexy: I just can't get enough of emo glasses, heaven help me! And he is cute, despite the hair. Or perhaps... because of it?
Emo: yep. I picked this song because it was yet another emo-y breakup song. Though a little more wistful than "bitter" or "violent" as I have already showcased.
Emo glasses! Eeee!
Ben Kweller -- Wasted & Ready
Girly: I think he and Chris Conley should form a support group, because I don't think he's hit puberty yet either.
Emo: Okay, okay... Ben Kweller is not really emo. But the song I picked you could argue is, because it's very Weezer-esque. I actually had a roommate mistake it for Weezer once. And I'm running out of options. And I couldn't use "sexy" as my way out without sounding like a pedophile. I'm running out of options.
No-Puberty Anonymous: We are anonymous so Michael Jackson can't find us
Eve 6 -- Nocturnal
Girly/Sexy: not really. I told you, I'm running out of options. But it's okay, cause this is the last one.
Emo: yep
this song because: it and Promise are my favorites, and this song seems slightly more emo, so there ya go.
Hey! Are we really THAT ugly?
Sunday, August 07, 2005
This is Mix Tape OCD part deux. The tape I put the "water" collection onto was a 90 minute tape, and I couldn't really fill out a second side without adding a lot of songs not that great for the grouping. So I decided to come up with something else for the second side, and thought of driving songs. Only... I dunno, I couldn't come up with a enough to fill out the second side so I just have blank space. And am even less happy with it than usual (I mean, the water collection isn't perfect, I find myself fast forwarding the incubus songs and the live song every time, I dunno why).
But this side... meh. Maybe I'll come up with a new topic. Again, anyone else's ideas would be appreciated :D
Soul to Squeeze -- Red Hot Chili Peppers
"When I find my peace of mind/I'm gonna keep it till the end of time"
Really, this song has nothing to do with driving. But it kind of is about wandering around when you don't know where you're going, so is pretty good for a "tooling around not doing much" kind of driving song. Also, I like the second meaning, which is pretty much not really knowing what you're doing with your life, which is all me. Lastly, it's on here because it's my favorite RHCP song. I actually used to have it on computer, but it sucked because the crappy speakers didn't let you hear the bass. So I actually got rid of it. But since I actually got it on CD and listen to it on headphones or stereo all the time, it's become my favorite. I think it's very much a song where every member of the band contributes, because not only is the bass divine (bass is not something I really notice with a lot of bands) but the guitar is really good too. And of course, I'd listen to Anthony Kiedis sing the phone book.
Rolling -- Better Than Ezra
"Me and you got a lot to do/we go rolling from Friday till Sunday noon"
This is another tooling around song, I think. It's a fun little song, I used to have the above quote as an AIM away message. Nice and mellow for if you actually do have someone in the car with you.
Pieces of the Night -- Gin Blossoms
"Well isn't any wonder that the stars don't just rush by when you're only doing sixty through this oh so vacant night?"
Meh. I used to really love the Gin Blossoms, but I'm kind of tired of them nowadays. But they have like, 10 songs that somewhat involve driving, so I felt I owed it to them to put one on here. Even though none of the songs have THAT much to do with driving, except the song My Car, which I really don't like. My favorite of the maybes was Pieces of the Night, which is more about being alone than driving, really. Also mellow.
Drive -- Incubus
"So if I decide to waiver my chance to be one of the hive/will I choose water over wine and hold my own and drive?"
Okay, impossible not to have this song on a driving tape. Plus, it reminds me of This is Not an Exit in my previous post, in that it's not just about driving. It's about taking control of your life, not just doing what everyone else does. Which is a message I try to tell myself all the time, so it's good to have music that enforces it. I just love the stupid people who thought Incubus was trying to sell out because this song is so poppy, when really the song's message is basically, "don't sell out! make your own decisions!"
The Open Road Song -- Eve 6
"I crack a window and feel the cool air cleanse my every pore, as I pour my poor heart out to a radio song that's patient and willing to listen... my volume drowns it out!"
Yeah, before this I was trying to go mellow, but I was like, "eh, who cares if other people are with me. No one I'd be likely to be driving with likes any of my music, even when it is mellow. and I wouldn't play this in my car anyway, because my stupid car eats tapes!" Plus, this is one of the best, it has to go in there. It's basically a "driving fast!" song.
Shoulder to the Wheel -- Saves The Day
"We drive/Dave steps on the gas/the world is/flying by us/sleek and smooth"
This song actually reminds me of a friend I have, who we drive around with no particular place to go sometimes and just talk or rock out to the radio. I've actually played it for her, and she doesn't really like it. I'm telling you--I know very few people IRL who like any of the same music as me. So this is a "tooling aroudn with a friend" song.
The Vast Spoils of America -- Saves The Day
"Everyone's passed out in the van and I'm the one driving through the land"
This is a "road trip" song. I like it. I likes my Saves the Day.
I Woke Up in a Car -- Something Corporate
"I've never felt so lost/I've never felt so much at home/please write my folks and throw away my keys/I woke up in a car"
Something Corporate, I have one CD of theirs and half of it is awesome and the other half I really don't like that much. This is one of the awesome songs. Though they're emo or pop punk or something, this song is pretty much pop. And again, I couldn't just not have it, it's specifically about the topic driving. It's another "road trip" song.
Nada -- The Refreshments
"I see the lightning from the storm down in mexico/and I see my speedometer doesn't work"
The Refreshments are kind of like what I said about the Gin Blossoms, in terms of having a ton of songs that sort of mention driving, but not really. This one seemed to have the most driving stuff in it, so I went with it. Probably should've gone with Banditos, though. Driving is way more exciting when you're imagining you're driving across the border after knocking over a bank. And doubly so if you can get in a Star Trek reference at the same time.
Down -- Lit
"Ready to drive all night/with no place in mind"
I racked my brain, and this is the last song I could actually think of that was specifically about a car or driving. It's kind of bland, but it's not horrible.
I should probably rifle through my Mom's extensive CD collection for some oldies, but the only ones I could really think of were American Pie, which I'm kind of surprised my mom doesn't own, and that one Chuck Berry song that goes "ridin' along in my automobile," but I kind of detest Chuck Berry, and don't think that Mom has any of that either. Oh, and I TOTALLY wanted to put The Distance on there by Cake, but I have it on a tape that I have misplaced and have to find it and all that hoo hah.
I think I have mix tape OCD. Which means I'm always making mix tapes, even though I don't know why, really. I'm never happy with them afterwards. Half the time I don't even listen to them and/or get rid of them not that long after. It's like something I have to get out of my system. I used to think it was a disease unique to myself, but Phoe from Elsewhere tells me she has it. Or used to, before Ipod. Anyway, here's a glimpse into one of them I made. The "theme" is rather obvious....
Water -- Breaking Benjamin
"I will never let you drown"
This isn't really a calming song, like a lot of the ones on here, but it fit the profile, and I like it.
I Wish You Were Here -- Incubus
"The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue blanket."
The imagery of the song is why I like it. I don't listen to Incubus that much anymore, but I have to say they are one of the most impressive bands I've ever been into when it comes to well-thought out lyrics that are meaningful without being overly vague.
Santa Monica -- Everclear
"we can live beside the ocean/leave the fire behind/swim out past the breakers/watch the world die"
This the song I've loved longest of any, and it totally fits the profile, which you'd be dumb not to get by now that it's "water."
This Is Not an Exit -- Saves The Day
"and all the wasted nights and empty moments in our lives are flushed away as we sway with the rhythm of the waves bobbing us up"
About half of Saves The Day lyrics are vague and senseless, and about half of them really do seem to rival the kind of lyric-crafting I mentioned when I was talking about Incubus. This song I find very meaningful and relevant to myself, as it uses the imagery of being swept up in a river out to see to kind of show you that you should stop dwelling on the bad things that have happened in the past and really try to live your life, and do the best possible job you can of it.
Ocean Breathes Salty -- Modest Mouse
"Will you tell me what you saw and I'll tell you what you missed when the ocean met the sky."
I really do love this song. And one other song from the album. And hate the rest. So I have to use it and the other one (Float On, marginally relevant to this if you think of "floating" as having to do with water, but I couldn't make myself put it on) as much as possible.
Brandy -- Looking Glass
"but my life, my love, and my lady is the sea (do do do do, do do do do)"
The only oldie on here. I just really enjoy this song for some reason. If you can't tell by the name of the song and the quote, it's about a woman named Brandy whose sailor boyfriend can't marry her because he doesn't want to give up the sea.
Run to the Water -- Live
"Run to the water/and find me there/burnt to the core but not broken"
This seems kind of "easy." It's got water in the chorus, and then doesn't particularly mention it otherwise. But I love Live, and several of their songs were kind of borderline to get on this tape, so i went ahead and did it.
Play Crack the Sky -- Brand New
"I am the one who haunts your dreams of mountains sunk below the sea."
I actually thought of this mix tape when listening to this. It kind of reminded me of This Is Not An Exit, which I talked about earlier, and I was like, "I wonder how many other songs really get in there and take the concept of water to apply to other things." And the answer was none (that I listen to, anyway). But I came up with a lot of songs that were halfway there, or mentioned water in the chorus or whatever, and then I had to put them all on a tape or else.
Lightness -- Death Cab for Cutie
"Your heart is a river that flows from your chest through every organ."
This song is kind of like "I Wish You Were Here," in that a good chunk of the song has nothing to do with water, but there's a verse that is very detailed on water imagery. I think when it comes to lyricists, they're up there with Incubus too. The only other person I think is better is probably Ben Folds. And he's not on here. If this was the suicide mix tape, the abortion mix tape, the be true to yourself mix tape, the getting old mix tape, the getting married mix tape, the break up mix tape... any one of myriad topics, he'd have a song. But this is the water mix tape, and I can't really think of anything of his that would apply.
Rain -- Breaking Benjamin
"Rain, Rain, go away/come again another day/all the world is waiting for the sun"
I hesitated to re-use BB, but I wanted to get some other aspects of water in besides sea/ocean. And it is very different in tone from the first song I got in here.
Aqueous Transmission -- Incubus
"Further down the river, further down the river"
Ditto what I said about the previous song. And while this is probably one of the weaker-lyriced songs, for Incubus, it is their most beautiful song on other fronts. Even though I don't listen to them much anymore, I always have to pull out and listen to this song. I love the somewhat unusual instruments, the way the instrumentals just keep going after the song... and it's so calming. I thought it would be great for the end of the tape....
Nightswimming -- REM
Nightswimming deserves a quiet night."
...but unfortunately, I had a tiny bit left, so I stuck on part of this song. It's okay. I don't really love it or hate it. It'd actually been earlier in the lineup, but then I couldn't fit in another song, so I took it off, but then I had extra time, so I didn't have it on at all, but then I had the extra space, so I stuck part of it in after the last song.
Now, I think you're thinking, "well, she missed some," but hear my other constraints:
I wanted the songs to be songs I actually listen to. So I thought of I Can See Clearly Now, Horse With No Name, Waterfalls, Walk On The Ocean..... but I was like, "I would fast forward those just about every time I listened to the tape if I actually did that." I mean, I like those songs. But not enough to listen to them very often. Walk on the Ocean especially confuses me that way, because in general, I could listen to most Toad the Wet Sprocket songs constantly, and not get tired.
Don't ask me why I have Waterfalls on CD.
My other criteria: I have to have it on CD or tape. So Flood by Jars of Clay was out of the question. And..... I dunno, I can't think of any other songs I thought would be great but I didn't have. I don't mind if you try me, though.
