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Friday, April 29, 2005
Dragon: do you know the song Road Trippin?
Phoemeister: yeah
Dragon: I'm learnin it
Phoemeister: cool
Phoemeister: I like it, though to be honest it's not one of my big favorites
Dragon: ahh I see
Phoemeister: I dunno. It's a little low-key, even for me
Dragon: low-key?
Dragon: non-mainstream ya mean? :P
Phoemeister: no, like.... slow
Phoemeister: acoustic
Phoemeister: just not like WAAAHAHAHAHAH! We're the red hot chili peppers!
Dragon: aww, it's not really that slow
Dragon: it's kinda soft though
Phoemeister: soft. Maybe that's what I mean
Dragon: yeah
Dragon: it doesn't have that whole kinda grab you by the hoo-hoos intro that say, Around The World has
Phoemeister: ROFLMAO
Phoemeister: yeah
Phoemeister: that's also a good description

Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Yay, the new Ben Folds album is pretty good so far. I always worry that I'm going to hate the new album, or get tired of him like I do a lot of other people (unfortunately, the Lifehouse album I was really excited about, I find kind of bland). The rule seems to be the third album is when I generally get tired of people, though there are always exceptions to any rule like that. But I know that's how I feel about the third Jimmy Eat World album, the third Everclear album (to me--they actually had one before that, that I've never gotten into either), third Lifehouse album, third (to me) Cake album, third Eve 6 album, etc... They're all fine albums, I don't find them painful to listen to or anything, but I don't get in that place where I want to listen to any of the songs over and over like I did with the first two albums.

Whereas (and I admit I'm incredibly dorky) I now have 3 Ben Folds Five albums, 2 Ben Folds albums, 3 Ben Folds EP's, 3 live/outtake Ben Folds/BFF albums. And I love everything but the live/outtake ones, which I only bought for the songs he didn't release on any other album, and I love most of those bits at least. Oh, and I guess to be frank, I found the Super D EP to be kind of weak.

Anyway, before I accidently got sucked into that huge bit about Ben Folds, I was going to mention that since I don't have a HUGE supply of musical musings at any one time, I might, as well as musings, put up top 5 lists, something I've shamelessly stolen from Ryan. Which, to explain, is make a list of "Top Five Movie Soundtracks" or "Top Five Live Albums," or "Top Five Songs to Make Out To" or whatever, and then justify why you have them on the list. Ryan usually takes suggestions on his, (though he does non musical lists as well, which since this is a musically themed blog, I won't) and I will too, but I'll also make up my own lists when I have no suggestions (and anyone who wants to make their own list for the topic, feel free to comment or email, even if it's the same topic, it's still interesting because it'd be a different list from mine).

Anyway, today I think I'm going to do Top Five Songs I'd Have at my Wedding. I actually did this on my regular blog quite some time ago, but I want to reuse it, especially since I can't even remember what I put last time. Anyway, I do think about this a sadly large amount of time (along with what music I'd have at my funeral, which will be another list at another time), I don't know why.

So without any further ado:

1) "The Luckiest" -- Ben Folds
Yeah, you know I had to get him on here after that big long thing from earlier. Plus, this is about the only sort of "classic" mushy love song I have ever really gotten into. I think he found a way to make it original, with lyrics about old married couples that die the same week, or if you'd recognize your true love if you'd been born at a different time, instead of the same old cheezy I'll love you forever and ever and you're beautiful kind of lyrics. ...okay, doesn't sound that romantic, but it is. And though it's not my personal favorite song of his, it's actually the favorite song of his to 90% of the people I know who listen to him. So it'd probably be the one song on this list that would actually be appropriate for a wedding song.

2) You Make Me Feel Like a Whore -- Everclear
I don't know if I could actually go through with it, but my mom and I are totally passive agressive and this would be the perfect song to spite her with. As the title suggests, it's not about love, it's about wanting someone who makes you feel horrible. And it's got "whore" in it. But it's a really good song. And would be marvelous for the spite-factor. Also, I'm going to tell my parents that it wasn't my fault, that the groom chose it, and the awesome type of guy he's going to be, he's going to totally take the fall for me on this.

3) Everlong -- Foo Fighters
This is a rock song, not a ballad. But the lyrics are very sweet, and I hope if I ever fall in love, I feel about the person the way this song says, and vice versa. The verses are kind of gobbledy gook for the most part, but the chorus goes:

and I wonder
when I sing along with you
if everything could ever be this real forever
if anything could ever be this good again
the only thing I ever ask of you:
you've gotta promise not to stop when I say when

The girly romantic in me (it is there, though hard to find sometimes) kind of swoons at that.

4) My Heart Will Go On -- New Found Glory
The song actually kind of doesn't suck, pop-punk-style. And I can just see myself telling various female relatives that my wedding song is going to be My Heart Will Go On, and them being all, "Oh, that's so sweet! I love that song!" and then BAM! Having this version instead and rockin' out.

5) In My Life -- The Beatles
I have to go old skool on one song, at least, if only to soothe my mom after You Make Me Feel Like a Whore. And, for some reason oldie love songs do seem more sincere to me, go figure. This song actually isn't that lovey-dovey, but love does come into it at the end, which is good enough for me.

Monday, April 25, 2005
Reason number 153,983,240,867,765,363 to love Ben Folds:

the very first track on the new album is named Bastard.

That is all.

Thursday, April 21, 2005
Man. Do you know what bugs me? That I can't nap when I want to. Or fall asleep at night when I want to. But when I'm listening to music, and not trying to sleep, I will fall asleep. Yesterday, that happened with my new Idlewild CD.

So when I tried to go to bed that night, I tried the Idlewild CD... and nothin'. I really, really wish I could harness this effect to use for my own ends. Because it's strong. I can fall asleep to speed metal if I'm not trying. But I can get the most soothing cd ever out and try... and nothing.

Pop punk seems to work the most frequently. Or it did, until I noticed that. And then would be like, "I'm not reeeeally trying to fall asleep" but put on Blink 182 on purpose. And my brain would know I was secretly trying to fall asleep. Gah. Stupid brain.

Sunday, April 17, 2005
So I was listening to the radio today, and they had this show co-hosted this week by this guy from Queens of the Stoneage. Anyway, what I loved is the DJ asks him what the new song is about, and the Queens guy is all, "It's about me kicking ass on the cowbell!"

I love any and all cowbell jokes.

The guy wasn't Josh Homme, it was one of the others. But I have an observation on Josh Homme too: Homme is french for Man. And that's all I can think of whenever I hear anything about him. I wonder if anyone's ever told him that. I wonder if his friends call him Josh Man. I would, were I a friend of Josh Homme. I'd be like, "Hey, Josh Man! You see, it's funny because your last name is french for man!" And then I would no longer be a friend of Josh Homme.

Which is okay, because I would just be using him to get to Dave Grohl anyway.

In other news, I am still trying to get into my new CD's. The one I'm enjoying most so far is The Postal Service, which actually surprises me because I'm not usually big on techno. But I REALLY like Nothing Better, The District Sleeps Alone Tonight, and Such Great Heights (plus Brand New Colony, which I'd already had on my computer). Whereas I only like two Idlewild songs so far, Love Steals Us From Lonliness and El Capitan. And the songs I liked from Death Cab For Cutie right off, I still like, but haven't made much progress with the others. Maybe because a lot of the songs are slow, I have more trouble with that sometimes.

I was really excited when I heard Such Great Heights on an ad for "Grey's Anatomy." I always get crazy happy when I hear a semi-obscure band I like somewhere I don't expect. Grey's Anatomy, though I've only seen a couple episodes, seems to have good good music on anyway. They had that Keane song I mentioned I love so much on, which in and of itself is enough for me to love it. And when I was thinking about that, it made me think of how many other TV shows I love/have loved that the music is usually pretty damn awesome. I have to wonder, if they had some completely crappy show with good music, would I watch?

But really, I love the OC which is known for it's good music, Ed, which wasn't, but the theme song was by the Foo Fighters! You can't beat that! And they regularly had good music on otherwise. Scrubs always has good music, and I love that show.

So, yeah.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005
So I finally got the CD's I ordered from amazon that I mentioned.

Give Up -- The Postal Service
Warnings/Promises -- Idlewild
Transantlanticism -- Death Cab for Cutie

It took so long because the Idlewild album informs me that it's from Germany. The last album of theirs that I ordered came from Australia. Which... confused me either way, the band's Scottish. Oh well. The bastards should just release their music in the US at the same time they do everywhere else, and save me the pain.

The only song on that album I've really gotten into so far is the first track, "Love Steals Us From Lonliness." Really, that sounds like the corniest title ever, but the way it's put into the song is "you said something stupid like 'love steals us from lonliness'" which sounds a lot less goofy. Hopefully I will soon be ALL about this album.

A strange thing about Idlewild is I totally got this guy I know into them. Which, to the best of my knowledge no one's ever gone out and bought any band I've reccomended to them, until now. And he bought all three of their old CD's! It actually freaked me out a little bit. And anyway, I've noticed his MSN name for a few days has been "I misplaced your face in the shape of a smile" which is another line from Love Steals Us From Lonliness. So, I thought I was being hardcore, not waiting until they released it in the US, but he's doubly hardcore, he must've ordered it right when it came out in Germany or whatever. I doubt he has filesharing, none of the songs he's ever reccomended and sent to me have ever been MP3's. *shrugs* I guess that story's not near as interesting as I thought it was before I read it back just now. But hey.

Death Cab for Cutie, I already knew and liked the Sound of Settling and The New Year, but I'm also enjoying Title And Registration and Lightness.

The Postal Service, I already knew and enjoyed Brand New Colony, and am enjoying such great heights and sleeping in. Doubly weird, that's track 2 and 3, and the death cab ones I mentioned are 2 and 3 too. Eerie. I'm glad that I seem to be liking this one at first glance, because it's a bit technoy, and in general I'm not huge on that unless it's ultra cheesy and from the 90's, such as C & C Music Factory (Oh, you KNOW you love them too).

Sunday, April 10, 2005
Do you know what the problem with Emo is?

Okay, wait, I better rephrase that question, lest emo-haters the world over flock to my metaphorical front door and pummel me with their many answers.

Do you know what MY problem with Emo is?

I totally love the last minute or so of the song, when the singer's like screaming or sobbing like a little girl. It's just so intense! So I end up having to fast forward through 2/3 of the song all the time just to hear the whiniest bit. It's not that I don't like the rest of the song. But man, I obsessively have to listen to the intense bit more. I don't know why, maybe it's a chip implanted in my brain by The Man.

Anyway, on non emo business: I'm still sad @ lack of filesharing. There are like, 5 songs out right now that I LOVE but I know I'll just be sorry if I buy the album. One of them's the new Weezer song, Beverly Hills. Which, do NOT get me wrong, I love Weezer. But their albums are very spotty. So the bits I love, I REALLY love, but still. An entire album just because I am enjoying the new song? Not a smart investment.

The next is the new Audioslave song, Be Yourself, which: ditto about Audioslave what I said about Weezer. But I really do love that song. And not only love it, but it is one of those songs that make you feel better in a situation, oh, like, where you have a crappy job with a bunch of assholes and phonys that want you to become an asshole and/or phony. Which I totally am in right now. But the good thing is it's on the radio all the time, which I listen to AT work in the newsvan where I need it most. Um... sorry for that Holden Caufield breakdown moment, there...

The new Queens of the Stoneage song, Little Sister. Queens of the Stoneage, I've been debating about buying their first album forever now and still can't decide, so I really don't need a second album of theirs doing that to me. But still... I've bought too much music lately. Especially bad music. I need to curb myself.

The new Beck song. Strangely, I can remember the new album name (Guerro, which actually I have a white canadian friend who calls his mexican friends guerro to annoy them because it's actually using it backwards, like if I called a black person a honkey so maybe that's why I remember it?) but not the song. But I enjoy it. Beck is an artist that I've been thinking of getting or not for way longer than the Queens. And back when I could d/l things, I got Loser, and it's the best song ever.

Somewhere Only We Know -- Keane. I just LOVE that song. But they keep being compared to Coldplay, and other british bands that I'll just buy one album of theirs because I like one song, and then it turns out their album is crappy (or, at least, not what I'm into) and it's not worth it.

Anyway, if I had filesharing, I'd be a total jerk and just d/l the mentioned songs while patting myself on the back for not being one of those bastards who d/l whole albums.

Friday, April 08, 2005
One of the things I shot today was on a music festival at Bradley University sponsored by VH1 called "24 hours of music" where, somewhat self explanitorily, though I will explain anyway because I'm anal like that, they have a 24 hour long music show where various bands etc. play, and the proceeds go to help music programs at schools. It was actually a really fun story to do, because again stating the obvious, I like music.

Oh, I forgot to mention on the other blog, I was really pissed, I didn't end up bringing a battery for my light, because I saw the light battery case in the bag of gear I took, and wrongly assumed "light battery probably in light battery case." So all of the footage turned out dark and grainy (turning gain or lowlux on, which makes dark footage lighter unfortunately makes it grainy).

But back to the music, it was really nice and I wish I could've stayed to see more acts. As it is, I only saw a christian band that I didn't catch the name of and couldn't hear very well anyway because they had a snafu with the power, so the band didn't have any electricity and thus no amps or mics. The other band I saw was called Curbside, and they were really good. And since I didn't want to wait the whole hour they were playing to get the next act on tape, they pretty much ended up being the meat of my footage, besides some audience cut aways.

The song I most digged on was this cover of a collective soul song called the world we know. Or something like that, I always forget the name of that one and am too tired to look it up tonight. Anyway, they ROCKED IT. Especially the guy playing the cello. I have a weird cello fetish anyway (but hey, it replaced my weird harmonica fetish, which was way more embarassing), but he seriously broke it down cello-style. I have to say, I kind of don't reallly remember what their original stuff sounded like. And can't check it out on their website right now because I'm trying to upload "Saw Tupac at McDonalds"*

Their website IS hilarious though. Whoever wrote their bio made it sound like they're the beatles. Or... how you would describe your personal all time favorite band to someone. No band could live up to that hype! Also, there's a picture of the Murray-Baker bridge! I have to say, it's much better in black and white, because unless you've seen it before, you don't know it's this disgusting rust color by looking at the picture.

But I did like their music, you should check it out on their website because I'm ordering you to, and you KNOW you're my bitch. I really wish I did go to more things like the festival on my own and got to know local bands. There's actually some really good talent rattling around unsigned. I guess the big problem is most local bands play in bars. I hate that. The music is so loud it kills you then, and people are smoking and drinking their heads off and all that. Not my scene. I will be sad, though, if anyone from here gets huge and I love them, and then I missed getting in on liking them on the ground floor like a cool person. Except I guess I don't have to worry, Bloomington-Normal's never had anyone big, and Peoria, as far as I know, has only ever had Mudvayne, which I'm not that into.

If this post is rambling and/or incoherant, it's because I'm on sleeping pills. I swear, I'm usually much more coherasdaflkksjdflajsdflkoiuiut7ytfrdxtctfyfvguhbijhkn;joljnikhjvgcfug!

* This is a song I have that I get a ton of hits for on my regular blog, and I felt bad for all those people looking for it, so I made a foolish promise to send it to anyone who asked, and people have been asking, so I'm finally attempting to send it via gmail to them even though it's so slow and I'm afraid it's just going to time out and I'll have wasted all this time... I would much rather all these random people had MSN or AIM, but I forgot to make that a condition before I gave the offer. And I'm totally not ripping off the band, Matt's Dad's Basement. I think they broke up. And never had a buyable album anyway. And I think once a former member e-mailed me back when I had my own server and was doing it that way and said I could give it to these people from his server, only I forgot the url so I'm stuck doing it this way. True story.

Monday, April 04, 2005
I have to say, I really, really miss filesharing. The way I used to use it was I'd d/l a whole heap of songs by someone, and if they were crappy, I'd delete them, and if they were good, I'd go out and buy the album. It way cut down on the amount of dumb albums I've gotten where only one or two songs are any good. But since the RIAA crackdown (not to mention moving back in with my parents who have dialup) I can't do that. So I've gotten a lot of crappy albums lately, and it's driving me nuts. Also, I keep hearing songs I like on the radio or from whatever source and want to check out the rest of the band/singer's work, but can't.

But I can also see the reason for the crackdown (though it doesn't seem to be helping sales), people are jerks who can't be trusted. The honor system just doesn't work very well for most things. And I knew so many people who didn't think it was wrong anyway. Which, I got to like people who were like, "I'm stealing, but I don't care," way better than anyone who gave me an impassioned speech to justify their stealing. I mean, maybe I'm not even any better, I DO have a ton of songs where I only liked one song by the artist. That's stealing too, just on a more moderate scale.

Maybe I should get itunes or something, less risk song by song than album by album. But that would have to wait indefinately anyway, as I mentioned I'm on dialup and it's just not worth the pain.

I guess mostly I just get people to send me tracks now. But that actually makes the situation worse, because I hear the one song they send me and I have to have the album! Then I buy it and the rest is crappy.... so it's more of an "exposer to good music" which I have enough already than an "album crappiness detector" that I so desperately need.

Saturday, April 02, 2005
So today out of nowhere I caught a show called video diner on PBS last night. Honestly... I dunno what the diner bit of that is, but basically it was music videos of not very well known bands. I loved it, 90% of it was music I liked, and I'm always happy to hear new things. I think the reason I never got into it before is because 1) it's only on channel 12 (so sorry, if anyone was all, "ooh, cool, maybe I'll tune in sometime") in Champaign, and it comes in very, very, crappy in my town and 2) it's at the same time as SNL, which is usually what I watch at that time. But I was flipping tonight, and it was coming in only partially crappy....

So I was happy. I also have to say I'm fascinated by music videos. We don't have cable at my house, so I never really saw many music videos, so I get all excited by them even if they're bad. I think also some of it is now that I'm in TV production, I get all excited by weird camera angles and effects, too. If you think about it, a music video has more shots and definately more fancy pants stuff in 3 minutes than most TV shows have in a half hour or hour. Plus, the great thing about PBS is no ads. The few times MTV DID show videos when I had cable at the dorm, it'd be like 2 videos, 9 minutes of ads. And then on top of it if you didn't like a video that's another however long down the drain. And I usually didn't like it because I'm too old for MTV, I'm not their target audience anymore, I don't like what they like.

Sometimes I imagine music videos in my head, and I think I finally know the reason why there's so many crappy/boring/half naked ladies dancing videos: it's hard to come up with that many ideas, unless a certain song particularly lends itself to a theme. You have to be awesome to come up with anything cool very often. It's just easier to make crappy ones after awhile. So I admire bands who at least try, even if it ends up incoherant, and/or stupid.

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